Cumhuriyet Bayramınız Mübarek Olsun, Türkiye!

11:00 PM

Today Google is also celebrating the Republic Day of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyet bayramı).

October 29th Google logo
On October 29, 1923, the  Turkish parliament proclaimed the establishment of the Republic of Turkey.  The first president is  Mustafa Kemal and was later named Atatürk (father of Turks). He was selected by unanimous vote.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk embarked on a wide-ranging set of reforms in the political, economic and cultural aspects of Turkish society. These reforms have left a lasting legacy of which the peoples of Turkish heritage are proud: the conversion of the newly founded Republic into today’s modern, democratic and secular Turkish state.

Cumhuriyet Bayramı starts from 13:00 on 28th afternoon till 29th October. That means no class from 28th October afternoon till 1st November, yeay!

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