Personality Types

9:47 PM

In some ways, we are all the same. We all have human bodies and minds, we all have human thoughts and human feelings (unless you are a cat, you don’t have them). 
Yet in the other ways, we are all completely different and unique. No one can ever have the same experience of life, perspective, and mind. Even identical twins are different from each other.  
What makes them different? It is because they have a different personality. Personality makes us thinking, feeling and acting differently from others. Personality can be defined in different ways, depending on whether we focus on the individual or on people in general.
The most popular personality types are these.

Introversion (I) or Extraversion (E)
Intuition (N) or Sensing (S)
Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

According to the Myers-Briggs model, the first letter determines the attitudes of the dominant and subsequent functions, while the last letter shows which function is dominant. For Extraverts, the dominant function is focused on the outside world. J means that one of the Judging functions (Thinking or Feeling) is dominant; P points to one of the Perceiving functions (Intuition or Sensing). For Introverts, J and P show the auxiliary rather than dominant function -  the dominant function itself is internalized.

 “Is it possible to change my personality type?”

According to most personality type theories, the individual’s type is inborn and does not change. However, individuals can develop traits and habits that differ or even directly contradict the description of their type.
How does that happen?
Let’s use an example. Imagine that lights in your flat suddenly go off and you are in complete darkness. You may be able to navigate your way to the door, but what senses are you going to use? Touch? Hearing? Smell? It would be anything but vision, your preferred sense. However, as soon as the lights come back on, you will switch back to using vision again as it makes it much easier to navigate around the flat.

The way your personality works is very similar. The environment you are in shapes your personality in a certain way, forcing you to develop traits and habits that might be foreign to your type. For instance, if you are naturally casual and spontaneous (Prospecting), but your work schedule is very structured and your manager is obsessive about schedules, your preferences are likely to change. However, you will probably switch back to being a Prospecting individual as soon as you leave that job. The same rule applies to other traits as well.

Your basic personality type cannot change – however, you can and should change the aspects of your personality that you are unhappy with. By doing this, you will strengthen your shadow traits and become a more well-rounded individual, even though your dominant traits will still remain the same. Such a change could be triggered by either the environment you are in or your own will – to each his own.  In our societies we sometimes see changes in an individual’s personality over time, right? So, don’t worry be happy. As time goes by may be subtle developmental changes during adolescence. 

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